Calving Season Course Series


A great way to prep for calving season and all the fun that surrounds it! Get our modules on female prolapses, C-sections, calf resuscitation, retained placentas, and field treatment of scouring calves – 5.5 hours of CE at the combo rate of $185.

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A great way to prep for calving season and all the fun that surrounds it! Get our modules on female prolapses, C-sections, calf resuscitation, retained placentas, and field treatment of scouring calves – 5.5 hours of CE at the combo rate of $185.

CE Credit Hours for Completion: 5.5 (RACE approved)

Each calving season is the culmination of years and years of work to develop a herd and an entire year directed specifically at that calf.

You’re fresh out of school (or feel like you are!) and calving season brings up some jitters – it comes at you fast! Or, you’ve delivered plenty of calves and do C-sections in your sleep but want to be sure you’re managing all the issues around calving in line with the most current thinking. I give you:

  • The best way to deal with retained placentas to save a cow’s reproductive potential
  • The number one technique I use to get dumpy calves up and running
  • What to tell the client when he asks if she will prolapse again
  • The 2 criteria I use to determine when it’s time to go to C-section
  • Your surgical options when the calf is huge and you don’t think you can exteriorize the uterus from the flank – also the best choice for emphysematous fetuses!
  • My number 1 sedation protocol that is safe for the calf and keeps the cow manageable
  • The exact evaluation I do on calves and the recipes I use for fluids in the field when they can’t go to the hospital.

Calving season is where you earn your stripes. This is the time to show clients that you’re committed to their success. They’ve spent a lot of time, energy, and money to get this calf to term and now something’s not quite right.

With these courses, you will:

  • Get those prolapses in and make them stay
  • Decide when to go to C-section and select the best approach for YOU and the cow
  • Resuscitate those dumpy babies without a hospital
  • Get those stubborn retained placentas out and keep the cow productive

The Calving Season Course Series will boost your confidence going into calving that you are offering the very best care during this big energy push of the year.


Inside The Calving Season Course Series, you’ll find:

Caesarean Techniques in Ruminants

The feedback I get on this module is incredible. In here, you’ll get photos and videos of every single step of a C-section for both cattle and small ruminants. Sedation, restraint, local blocks, suture selection, getting them open, getting the calf out safely, closing them up and postoperative care are all included! I’ve also added a BONUS video of a ventral midline C-section to add to your bag of tricks!

Neonatal Calf Resuscitation

Babies with a tough start that don’t come around can make you feel like your efforts weren’t worth it – we have all been there. These are tough cases, but we are learning more and more about improving outcomes in dumpy babies and you can hear all about them in this module. You’ll learn about the evidence and techniques behind resuscitation drugs, resuscitation devices, The Squeeze, acupuncture, and energy boosters. You can make a positive impact on calf survival!

Pour Some Sugar on Me: Female Prolapses

You want these things to go back in and stay in! Here, we cover all of them – vaginal and cervical prolapses before calving and uterine prolapses after. For vaginal and cervical prolapses, you’ll understand risk factors, replacement tips and tricks, getting them to stay, the options for the ones that won’t stay, and how to advise the client moving forward. We will also cover all of this for uterine prolapses, plus systemic stabilization and support to improve survival. You will leave this module feeling less frustrated by these cases and more confident in advising the client on the path forward.

Retained Fetal Membranes

Tired of all the phone calls about cows that haven’t cleaned? Wondering if there’s more to tell them than to wait it out and make sure she keeps eating and drinking? I’ll share with you the evidence for and against all the tricks that have been tried for getting those placentas to release and what we may be doing at calving that increases the risk of retention.

Field Intervention for Scouring Calves

Does he need a catheter or just oral electrolytes? How can I decide with just a physical exam? I’ll give you exactly what you need to evaluate to determine what the calf needs and then the exact recipes to make fluids that can be used right in the field with no hospital facility! If you’ve got bloodwork and a hospital, I’ll help you interpret and apply your findings customized to the calf. You’ll be ready to handle the fanciest calf and the commercial calf, giving them both customized care with the most bang for the client’s buck!

BONUS! Get all my recipes and rates for the most common neonatal and adult fluids with the LAC&E Ruminant Fluid Therapy Cheat Sheet! Put it in your truck and never struggle to remember a recipe or calculate a rate again!

BONUS! Proceedings are provided with every LAC&E module and are posted right there with your video module! Download the PDFs to access them offline no matter how far in the boonies you are when you need them!

These modules were created by Drs. Melanie Boileau and Meredyth Jones, who are both board certified specialists in Large Animal Internal Medicine with a food animal emphasis. We each have more than 20 years working in all aspects of food animal medicine and surgery, teaching students, veterinarians and veterinary technicians all along the way. We love sharing our knowledge and designed these modules just for you.

5.5 hours of this teaching is a huge value for only $185

What do all LAC&E courses provide?

  • Lifetime access – I never take them back!
  • Downloadable proceedings “Thank you for pertinent, practical CE…I definitely find myself going back to the PDFs for some courses later.” -Dr. A.J.
  • The feeling of adding services with confidence! “The CE courses are great…great for brushing up on some older skills or learning new techniques. I’ve been able to confidently expand my services with the knowledge I’ve gained from these courses.” -Dr. A.B.

CE Credit Hours for Completion: 5.5 (RACE approved)