Course 23 Small Ruminant Vasectomy Procedure


Vasectomy is a straightforward procedure that is used alone or in combination with other procedures to create teaser animals. Exploiting the “buck effect” or “ram effect” in a herd or flock can facilitate early estrus and estrus synchronization in production groups using natural service or advanced reproductive techniques.

CE Credit Hours for Completion: 0.5 (RACE approved)



Vasectomy is a straightforward procedure that is used alone or in combination with other procedures to create teaser animals. Exploiting the “buck effect” or “ram effect” in a herd or flock can facilitate early estrus and estrus synchronization in production groups using natural service or advanced reproductive techniques. This brief module covers restraint, sedation/anesthesia, the surgical procedure and recommendations for aftercare. Plus there’s a little bonus segment on vaccines! This is a great time to add this service to your practice!

CE Credit Hours for Completion: 0.5 (RACE approved)