Course 55: *Almost* Everything You Need To Know About Camelids


Whether you’re new to camelids or seasoned, there’s something in this module for you! In this module, I cover handling, examination, herd health issues like vaccinations and parasites, nutrition, feet & teeth…

CE Credit Hours for Completion: 2 (RACE approved)



Whether you’re new to camelids or seasoned, there’s something in this module for you! In this module, I cover handling, examination, herd health issues like vaccinations and parasites, nutrition, feet & teeth, sedation, castration, blood collection, drug principles, fluid therapy & catheter placement, basic reproduction, obstetrics, neonatal care, meningeal worm, skin, heat stress and, finally, I give you differential diagnoses charts for neonatal, juvenile, and adult ill thrift/weight loss conditions. It’s got it all!

CE Credit Hours for Completion: 2 (RACE approved)