Course 02: Field Intervention for Scouring Calves


Does he need a catheter or just oral electrolytes? How can I decide with just a physical exam? I’ll give you exactly what you need to evaluate to determine what the calf needs and then…

CE Credit Hours for Completion: 1 (RACE approved)



Does he need a catheter or just oral electrolytes? How can I decide with just a physical exam? I’ll give you exactly what you need to evaluate to determine what the calf needs and then the exact recipes to make fluids that can be used right in the field with no hospital facility! If you’ve got bloodwork and a hospital, I’ll help you interpret and apply your findings customized to the calf. You’ll be ready to handle the fanciest calf and the commercial calf, giving them both customized care with the most bang for the client’s buck!

CE Credit Hours for Completion: 1 (RACE approved)