Course 33: Ruminant Caesarean Section Techniques


The feedback I get on this module is incredible, it is the STAR of all the modules I’ve created. In here, you’ll get photos and videos of every single step of a C-section for both cattle and small ruminants, including Go Pro footage so you become the surgeon!

CE Credit Hours for Completion: 1 (RACE approved)

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The feedback I get on this module is incredible, it is the STAR of all the modules I’ve created. In here, you’ll get photos and videos of every single step of a C-section for both cattle and small ruminants, including Go Pro footage so you become the surgeon! Sedation, restraint, local blocks, suture selection, getting them open, getting the calf out safely, closing them up and postoperative care are all included! I’ve also added a BONUS video of a ventral midline C-section to add to your bag of tricks!

CE Credit Hours for Completion: 1.5 (RACE approved)